Who are we?

We, the organizers of PORG Model United Nations, are all students of Gymnazium PORG Liben a Novy PORG. There are 16 of us preparing the this year's conference. We have extensive experience with various MUNs, both participating and organizing. We have been active and passionate members of the international MUN community ever since our freshman year of high-school. As delegates, we have represented a remarkable variety of different UN member states in nearly all of the existent UN committees and councils. On top of that, we have already organized 2 conferences - the PREPORGMUN 2013 and the PORGMUN 2014, both with tremendous success.

Our goal in organizing model United Nations conferences is to bring together young innovative and motivated people from all across the globe to spend four unforgettable days debating and co-operatively looking for solutions to pressing global challenges. We not only aim at educating participants about current world issues but also underlining the crucial importance of the United Nations in global diplomacy. We hope to give rise to new friendships that cross the borders of culture, background and nationality and thus enhance a new generation of leaders and thinkers.


After participating in numerous MUN conferences, an idea to organize our own one sprung up. But seeing how inexpereinced we were and how gigantic event a regular MUN is, we decided to try to get together a much smaller conference. This conference, named PREPORGMUN, saw 50 students from various czech high schools. Divided into 3 committees, including a Security Council, they have spent one day debating and ultimately represented their work at a Closing Ceremony.

This has provided us with the much needed experience and contacts, and helped us form the PORGMUN 2014 team. The feedback was very positive and we have been glad to meet many of the PREPORGMUN delegates at the PORGMUN 2014.


Porgmun 2014 took place in May 8-11, with over 150 participants from all over Europe. The conference was met with enormous success and the delegates made wonderful job. Their resolutions have been presented to the General Assembly, aswell as the work of the delegates of the Security Council. On top of that, have had a lot of fun and found new friends! To get a feel of the 2014 conference, check out our PORGMUN 2014 Looking Back video.