Public transport

We strongly suggest using the Prague public transport system when travelling around Prague. It is safe, cheap and can get you almost anywhere. Tickets for public transport can be bought from machines which are present at many bus and tram stops as well as all metro stations. You can take a look at the Prague public transport official website for more information.


The tickets in Prague are time-limited. Hence, the distance or the amount of times you change between independent vehicles does not matter. The basic ticket for 90 minutes costs 32 CZK, the short-term ticket for 30 minutes costs 24 CZK. If you are under 15 (identity card required), the tickets are half the price.

There are no turnstiles when entering the metro or other means of transport. You may, however, encounter inspectors. Without a valid ticket, you will be charged with a fine between 800 and 1500 CZK (€30 – 55).

We can also arrange a four-day public transport ticket that costs €8 per delegate. You may request this ticket via the MyMUN Registration system. This is not included in the application fee.

Finding connections

To find connections, we recommend using the website. You may also download one of the apps available for various platforms.